Mašīnās fiksēts piekabes ratiņi, kas uzstādīti iekrāvēja strēles celtnis
Type STJL2.5 Tilt Jib (Long) The type STJL2.5 Tilt Jib (Long) is one of the most versatile Forklift Jib attachment in our range, allowing extra height to 2.51 metres, with a 3.66 metre reach when fully extended. This Jib has been designed with wide pockets suitable for Forklifts with special hydraulic Tine Positioners. This slip-on attachment is held to the Forklift by a safety chain. The Jibs overall length when closed is 2.23 metres. Supplied with safety swivel Hook and ...

Pārdošanā smagas slodzes tipa SFJL7.5 dakšu uzstādīts iekrāvēju strēles stiprinājums
Type SFJL7.5 Fixed Jib (Long) The type SFJL7.5 Fixed Jib (Long) is designed as an affordable general purpose Jib with a 3.56 metre reach when fully extended. This Jib has been designed with wide pockets suitable for Forklifts with special hydraulic Tine Positioners. This slip-on Forklift attachment is held to the Forklift by a safety chain. The Jibs overall length when closed is 2.19 metres. Supplied with safety swivel Hook and Shackle. SPECIFICATIONS: · Safe Working Load (SWL) 7500kg Max ...

684kg 55Gallon / 210Liter iekrāvēja papildaprīkojuma eļļas mucas pozicionētājs
684kg 55Gallon/210Liter Forklift Attachment Oil Drum Positioner_Model Nr.: CN-WDG20 *Heavy duty steel construction. Lift, transports and deposits drums without leaving the driving position. *Easily and quickly lift drums without hydraulic or electric connections. *Firm pressure is automatically applied by acion of the loaded drum and will be firmly maintained in the same position until being deposition, it is then automatically released. Model Nr. CN-WDG10 CN-WDG20 CN-WDG40 CN-WDG45 ...

3tonu iekrāvēja papildaprīkojums, sānu pārslēdzējs, pozicionētājs
Product Description Techence Forklift Parts- Forklift atttachment Fork SideShifter/ Poisitioner 1.1 Who We Are? HUAMAI plays a decisive role in forks & forklift attachments market in China which located in beautiful Aishan Industrial area, Gangcheng, Laiwu City, covers an area of 60,000m2. 1.2 What We Do? We have been in forklift forks' market for over ten years. We have 3 production lines with advanced manufacturing facilities, consummate production engineering and full-set testing equipment. We are able to produce over 300,000 ...

Iekrāvēja dakšas pozicionētājs ar slēdzi uz sāniem
Fork positioner adjusts the distance between forks through the hydraulic drive, reduces the labor intensity and improves efficiency, suitable for different specification tray handling occasion. Capacity@ Load Center (kg@mm) Catalog Mounting Class Lateral Range (mm) Carriage Width (A)(mm) Weight (kg) Effective Thickness (ET)mm) Opening Range (mm) Vertical Center of Gravity(CGV) (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity (CGH) (mm) 2500@500 SLC-A002FP 2 ±100 1040 115 75 45-960 255 35 2500@500 SLC-A003FP 2 ±100 1100 122 75 45-1020 255 35 4500@500 SLC-B002FP 3 ...

Autokrāvēju asistenti iekrāvēja ķieģeļu skavas bloka skavas
Produkta priekšrocības Shantui 3 tonnu iekrāvēja ķieģeļu skava Ķīna Xinchai c490 dzinēja aprīkojums ar Ķīnas Xinchai C490 dzinēju, hidrauliskā transmisija, ASV EATON hidrauliskais stūres vārsts, SHIMADZU eļļas sūknis, pilnas piekares šasija. To plaši izmanto visu veidu preču nodošanai, piemēram, paletes, tērauds, ķieģelis utt. Shantui ir sadarbojies ar KOMATSU vairāk nekā 30 gadus, viss produkts tika izgatavots saskaņā ar KOMATSU standartu. Dzinēja modelis XINCHAI C490 Nominālā jauda 40/2650 Kw/apgr./min Nominālais griezes moments 165/1800 N·m/min Cilindra skaits 4 Urbums × gājiens 90 × 105 mm Darba tilpums 2,7 L Izmēri Pacelšanas augstums ...

3T autoiekrāvējs ar piestiprināšanas ķīpu skavu
IESPĒJA: kā profesionāls iekrāvēju ražotājs mēs varam arī piedāvāt jums pielāgotus pakalpojumus. Tālāk norādītās preces nav obligātas: konteinera masts, piemēram, 2 pakāpju pilnais brīvais masts 3 m, 3 pakāpju pilnībā brīvais masts 4,5 m sānu pārslēdzējs, dakšu pozicionētājs, garākas dakšas, dakšu pagarinājums Lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju par pielāgotajām konfigurācijām un opcijām, lūdzu, sazinieties ar mums. VMAX profesionālais serviss jūs iespaidos. CITI: A: Piegādes datums: 30 dienas pēc depozīta saņemšanas B: Maksājuma noteikumi: T / T (30% depozīts, atlikums samaksāts ...

Autokrāvēja sānu nobīdes dakšas pozicionētājs
Function And Applications Forklift side shifting fork positioner is applicable to the material distribution, warehousing and manufacturing industries, make the forklift driver accurately adjust the spacing of the forks with good and wide vision. Features -The lateral oil cylinder piston rod, the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance. Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve, adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. -Mechanical performance: fork USES the fine steel, ...

Pārdošanā Hyundai autoiekrāvējs ar dakšu pozicionētāju
it is applicable of irregular freight yards in machinery, port, ceramic, building material and agricultureal industries and each pccasion , in which there are no pallets. it carries different cargos of different pallets by adjusing the distance between fork and cargos. and it si no need ofr manual adjustment that it reduce the labor intensity of he pperators and improves the efficiency, as wll as reduces the breakage of cargos. Videos Model Carring Capacity (kg) Frame dimension AB(mm) Range of ...

Iekrāvēja dakšu pozicionētāja stiprinājumi ar sānu nobīdi
Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve,adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork uses the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling,compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Note Obtain the actual capacity of the forklift and attachments from the forklift manufacturer, Two ...

Lieljaudas hidrauliskā metāla dakšas pozicionētājs dīzeļiekrāvējam
Heavy Duty Hydraulic Metal Fork Positioner For Diesel Forklift Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve,adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork uses the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling,compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Note Obtain the actual capacity of ...

Kartona skavas stiprinājums 3t pacēlājam
Selling Point 1. Chinese Automatic Transmission With TCM Technology Improves Operator's Efficiency, Responding Rapidly And Smoothly. 2. Intelligent Buffer Design Avoids Sharp Collision And Minimizes The Risk Of Damage During Lower Of Loads, Wide-view Mast Also Provides High-visibility To The Operator 3. High-Capacity Aluminum Radiator Is Designed For Efficient Thermal Transfer Fin And Oil Cooler For The Transmission Torque Converter, Assists In Improving Iongevity Of Engines. 4. Wide Range Of Diesel, Gasoline, And LPG Engine Options Specification Of Forklift origin ...

Hidrauliskā Forkllit dakšas pozicionētāja stiprinājums
Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve, adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork USES the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling, compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Specification Capacity/ Load Center (kg@mm) Model Mounting Class Adjust Range Of The Forks ...

3 tonnas dīzeļiekrāvējs ar papīra ruļļu skavu stiprinājumu
Specifications Load capacity 3000 kg 6613.9 lb Load center 500 mm 19.7 in Power type Diesel Diesel Max. lifting speeds(with load) 400mm/s 0.18 mph Max. driving speeds(with/without load) 18/20km/h 11.2/12.4 mph Max towering (with load) 15.5/10.5kn 15.5/10.5kn Grade ability (with load) 15/20 % 15/20 % Lifting height (H1) 3000mm 118.1 in Free lift 80 mm 3.15 in Tilting angles(forward α-backward β) 6°/12° 6°/12° Min. turning radius 2500mm 98.4 in Min. Right angle aisle width 2110mm 83.1 in Min. under-clearance 135mm ...