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Specifikācijas Izmanto pārtikas pārstrādē un ražošanā kravu apvēršanai un izgāšanai. Rotatori pievieno 360 grādu rotējošu kustību abos virzienos. Pielietojums: izmanto pārtikas pārstrādē un ražošanā, lai apgrieztu un izmestu slodzes. Rotatori pievieno kravas automašīnu dakšām 360° rotējošu kustību abos virzienos. Funkcijas: Izturīga tērauda konstrukcija, atbilst prasībām nepārtrauktai darbībai ar augstu efektivitāti. 360° rotējoša kustība abos virzienos. Saprātīgs dizains ar uzticamu pasaules augstākās kvalitātes hidraulisko komponentu. Piezīme: kravas automašīnai ir nepieciešama viena papildu hidrauliskā ķēde. Dakšas...
Folklifta pielikums 45f papīra ruļļu skava papīra drukāšanai
Features 1. Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2. Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3. Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line ...
Hidrauliskais pacēlājs 25f papīra ruļļu skavas detaļas, kas tiek izmantotas ģipškartona plāksnēs
Features 1.Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2.Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3.Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line can meet the ...
20h papīra ruļļa skava, 25f papīra ruļļa skava, 30h papīra ruļļa skava, 60g papīra ruļļa skava
Features 1.Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2.Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3.Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line can meet the ...